REAL LABORATORY H2-WYHLEN The real laboratory is located in Wyhlen, a district of Grenzach-Wyhlen in Baden-Württemberg. On site, we are researching the integration of hydrogen as an energy carrier in various areas. These include, for example, the use of hydrogen in mobility, industrial process heat and energy storage.

In the real laboratory in Whylen, hydrogen is produced locally at the site where the electricity is generated. The aim is to convert hydropower into storable energy through electrolysis and make it directly usable.
Solution and implementation
A project with a holistic approach was planned in Whylen (Baden-Württemberg). It covers the entire hydrogen value chain, from production to storage and use. A 5 MW electrolysis plant including pressure storage will be built on site. The hydrogen produced can be filled and transported via trailers.
The H2-Wyhlen real-world laboratory plays an important role in the further development of hydrogen technologies and helps to further develop the potential of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy source.
It is currently still being implemented. An efficient plant structure has been developed and the tender for the main components has been successfully completed. All the main components have been ordered. The aim is to start trial operations in March 2025.
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Project data hydrogen real laboratory “H2-Wyhlen”
Electrolysis capacity:
The electrolysis capacity of the real laboratory is 5 megawatts. This power enables the efficient splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen, which forms the basis of hydrogen production.
H2 storage:
The real laboratory has a storage capacity of 3.8 tons of hydrogen.
production capacity:
The plant can produce 90 kilograms of hydrogen per hour, which corresponds to an annual production volume of around 720 tons.
Usable waste heat:
The real laboratory generates around 12 gigawatt hours of usable waste heat. This waste heat can be reused, for example for heating, which increases the energy efficiency of the entire system.
Trailer filling stations:
There are four trailer filling stations that allow hydrogen to be filled into special transport trailers
28 months
- Submission of G application: 28.04.2023
- Commissioning: 03/2025
- Trial operation: 03/2025
- Handover: 03/2025